The Early Bird Gets the Summer Camp Discount

The snow boots are still by the back door, but it's time to start thinking about summer camp.

Want to save money on camp this year? Join the club! You can get up to a nice $40 discount when you sign up for Adventure Day Camp, Cub Scout Overnight, or Webelos Overnight Week before May 1. The discount is applied automatically during your registration. After May 1, regular rates apply and availability may be limited.

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Weekly Welcome Letter

Check out the forms page for the weekly welcome letter.

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Westboro Bus Stop Change

On the recommendation of our driver, we are moving the Westboro stop to the High School at 90 W Main St, where it is easier to get in and out of traffic.

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2018 Open House

Join us for the Day Camp and Overnight Camp open house on Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 1pm to 4pm.  Open house takes place at the Adventure Day Camp, 129 Hudson Rd, Bolton, MA.  Meet the staff, tour the camp, and have your questions answered!

We look forward to seeing you!

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BSA Swim Classifications

Campers are swim tested every Monday to determine their swim ability prior to participating in any aquatics activities at camp.  Their ability to meet the BSA classifications will determine if younger campers can swim in the deep area of the pond, or go on the Aquaslide.  Older campers are required to pass the Swimmer Classification to participate in watercraft activities like Stand Up Paddle Board, Kayaking, or Small Boat Sailing.

Swim Test & Classifications

All camp participants, volunteers and staff are designated as swimmers, beginners, or non-swimmers based on swimming ability confirmed by standardized Boy Scouts of America swim classification tests. Each group is assigned a specific swimming area with depths consistent with those abilities. The classification tests must be renewed annually. 

Swimmers pass this test: Jump feet first into water over the head in depth. Level off and swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating. 

Beginners pass this test: Jump feet first into water over the head in depth, level off, and swim 25 feet on the surface. Stop, turn sharply, resume swimming, and return to the starting place. 

 Anyone who has not completed either the beginner or swimmer tests is classified as a non-swimmer

 The non-swimmer area is no more than waist deep and is enclosed by physical boundaries. The enclosed beginner area contains water of standing depth and parts extend to depths just over the head. The swimmer area is up to 12 feet in depth and is defined by floats or other markers. 

Campers who do not meet a desired swim classification can ask to retake the test at any time. 


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2017 Day Camp Lunch Options – New Ordering Deadline!

In order to better facilitate weekly lunch orders with our kitchen, the deadline for ordering effective with week 3 will be midnight the Sunday before your camper arrives at camp.

We’ve expanded our lunch options!!

  • 2nd through 5th grade campers can order a bag lunch from the Camp Resolute dining hall – cold sandwiches, fruit, juice or water, granola bar, bag of chips or snack mix (chef’s choice).  They can also select the resident camp buffet meal which is a combo of hot or cold meals – purchased on a daily basis
  • 6th through 8th grade campers can opt to sign up for the buffet lunch at the Camp Resolute dining hall.  The menu varies, is generally a combo of hot and cold daily, and vegetarian options are available.

For the lunch menu and to sign up, click here

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2017 Day Camp News!

Registration will open shortly, website is updated minus a few tweaks, but we wanted to share the news that we are expanding our camper coverage as well!

We will be adding a STEM Center to day camp this year and our theme for the summer is “Journey Into Space”!

We will welcome again our crossover campers – grades 6-8 and we look forward to having our campers who have aged out of traditional day camp, by offering the opportunity to come back up until an age where they can sign up to be Counselors In Training!

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Coed Camping at ADC is going strong!

Since accepting girls into our program starting in 2014, we have grown attendance significantly!  We welcomed nearly 60 girls in 2016!  And what a great opportunity!  The benefit of scouting’s character development with activities you might not get elsewhere.

Best of all, one stop shopping for families!

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Earn more Merit Badges!

Parents often ask – “what’s next for my camper?” when the finish the 5th grade.  So we are pleased to announce that our launch of day camp for 6th-8th graders at Adventure Day Camp was a huge success!  While we strongly recommend that boys attend a week long residential camp with their troop or as a provisional camper at Resolute, we are happy to offer more opportunities for you to earn more merit badges and participate in our 1st year camper program “Resolute Recruits”.

This program is also ideal for LDS 11 year old scouts to get a jump on earning merit badges!

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Tired of Camp Laundry?

New this year!!  Disposable bed linens!  That’s right, disposable!  Available in our trading post, Laundry-Free Linens® are INNOVATIVE sheets that may be used up to 2 WEEKS and discarded or COMPOSTED instead of laundering.  For more information go to or Check out our flyer!

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Read about us in baystateparent!

Camp Resolute, Cub Adventure Day Camp, and Family Camp are featured in a “Things to Do” article titled “Traditions for a New Age” in the March 2014 edition of baystateparent!  Camp Resolute has been making scouting memories for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts for 95 years this year!  Read the article and share your memories of your time in camp as others have!

Read the article now!

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Nationally Accredited Camps & Staff

Safety is our first priority

Our camps are supervised by Boy Scouts of America National Camp School trained directors, health officers are on duty while camp is in session, and are accredited by and operate under the safety and program standards of the Boy Scouts of America the American Camping Association and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We feel confident your son will have a great time at camp this summer!

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